Results for "Loliad's Vision of The Future of this World"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Peia "Machi" from Four Great Winds

      Peia "Machi" from Four Great Winds MELODY has Power a Whole World toTRANSFORM "...course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world. It is literally true, "...

      • Pato Banton

        "A Message Of Love" from Christ Michael

        "A Message Of Love" ~ &nbs...ection as you yourself bestow this love upon your brothers and s...a focus of dynamic affection, this benign virus of love would the greatest thing in the world. The Father and I will both your leaders make in their world management of today, in an ag...

        • Pato Banton

          Love Is The Greatest!

          Pato Banton produces another beautif...itude of LOVE in our troubled world.  Filmed on Venice Bea...d a million hearts around the world has now been put on video the greatest thing in the world!  The Urantia Book ~ Pa...enice Beach  and making this dream a reality! One Love A...

          • Pato Banton

            "Reflections of our Mission to Asia" by Pato Banton & Antoinette Rootsdawtah

            After an exciting Spiritual Mission & Musical Tour of Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, Pato & Antoinette share some of the highlights of this beautiful experience.  Futur...

            • Pato Banton

              New Day Dawning

              ...p; The Now Generation present this awesome on-screen performance o...Positive Reggae Music to the World! This beautiful song also there is always a brighter future ahead when people are willi...ho came out and joined us for this awesome event to celebrate my...

              • Pato Banton

                Light Up The One Luv! ~ Kwadjo Spiri feat Pato Banton & Antoinette Rootsdawtah

                African Musical Artist/Producer "Kwadjo Spiri" i...Dawtah" Hall to Accra Ghana to collaborate on this beautiful song and video....ight The One Luv is a message for the people of the world to break down the barriers th...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Urantia Book - Architectural Spheres of Ascension ● The Ascension Career

                  The Ascension Career   Urantia Book - Archite...ake us on the journey to perfection from our native world, through the ascending sphere.../ Vocals - Noel Questions and co...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Jinja Uganda at the Source of the Nile River ● The world's longest river

                    Jinja Uganda at the Source of the Nile River The world's longest river When you think of the Nile, you naturally think of Egypt. But in this video you'll get a close up look at where the world's longest river actually...

                    • Fullof Questions

                      New hope for humans in an A.I. world | Louis Rosenberg | TEDxKC

                      New hope for humans in an A.I. world New hope for humans in an A.I. world | Louis Rosenberg | TEDxKC...Swarm Intelligence is making this possible and it could be our b...been awarded over 350 patents worldwide for his work in Virtual R...

                      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                        A Welcome & Thank You Message from Mugerwa

                        A Welcome Message to Our Supporters HELLO WORLD HERE IS OUR REGISTRATION&...L COME AND NOT SURE ABOUT HOW THIS WORLD CAN OR WILL TRUST OUR WORK....ALL the generous citizens of this world. The Grace OF God keeps...GOD BLESS YOU ALL for making this possible!    &...