Results for "My Call For Humanity"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Two Total Solar Eclipses - Is there a message for humanity?

      Two Total Solar Eclipses - Is there a message for humanity? Two Total Solar Eclipses one occu...icance? Is there a meaning or message for humanity in this seeming coincidence?...ntly, how the Urantia Revelation can help humanity move through the coming turbu...

      • El Pollo

        A Message For Christian Leaders in the Urantia Movement

        A Message For Christian Leaders in the Urantia Movement Revelation Time! Aft...ized by millions of people around the world as the Fifth Epochal Revelation to Humanity from our Celestial Family. It...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Strange Preacher Penny Sermon

            Strange Preacher Penny Sermon   163:3.5 "The kingdom of heaven is like a household...:3.6 "When evening came, this owner of the vineyard said to his steward: `Call the...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Two Total Solar Eclipses - Is there a message for humanity?

            Two Total Solar Eclipses - Is there a message for humanity? Two Total Solar Eclipses one occu...icance? Is there a meaning or message for humanity in this seeming coincidence?...ntly, how the Urantia Revelation can help humanity move through the coming turbu...