Results for "Family Campaign"

Wire posts

    • Bahati Allan Eric

      By Bahati Allan Eric

      Bahati Allan Education Campaign for Master's Degree

      Am requesting for your generous support, stand with me in this education cycle, when you educate me ,you will have educated many Generations ,I look forward to hearing from you all , together...More

      • Susan M Sesay

        We have been a proud partner of Family Agriculture Resource Management Services (F.A.R.M.S.) an international organization that provides services to rural farmers while reducing hunger in the farmers community. Since 2019, F.A.R.M.S., has purchased...More

        • Ainamani John

          By Ainamani John

          Ainamani John Campaign for education and family support.

          • Magara Benjamin

            By Magara Benjamin

            An Appeal for Support towards the growth of Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family.

            Dear Brothers and Sisters,
            I trust this message finds you well and filled with the spirit of giving. As a cherished member and coordinator of our Christ...More

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              African National Family United States of Africa.