Results for "North Iran"

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    • i Witness NEWS

      California Crises Could a modern day Noah be giving Warnings

      The Dream Complete - Joe Brants Dream of California https://www.yout...f progressive geologic changes to the north. 78:7.2 For thousands...of the Mediterranean and those to the northwest and northeast of Mesopota...ese regions of Mesopotamia and to the nort...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        California Crises Could a modern day Noah be giving Warnings

        The Dream Complete - Joe Brants Dream of California https://www.yout...f progressive geologic changes to the north. 78:7.2 For thousands...of the Mediterranean and those to the northwest and northeast of Mesopota...ese regions of Mesopotamia and to the nort...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The Continuing Emergence of Urantia Religion: New Wineskins ● By David Kantor

          The Continuing Emergence of Urantia Religion: New Wineskins ● By Dave Kantor   "A religio...Society nodes began to appear along with the first nodes to develop outside of Nort...

          • i Witness NEWS

            Former President Jimmy Carter releases statement on North Korea

            Former President Jimmy Carter releases statement on North Korea Carter on Current U.S.-North Korea Relations  ...between the United States and North Korea. In addition to restrai...ided. All parties must assure North Koreans they we will forego a...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM IV Science and Spirituality

              Urantia Association International SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM IV Science and Spirituality It is with a and joyous anticipation that we await the first solar eclipse to come across Nort...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                The intriguing Story of Melchizedek

                The Urantia Papers 93     Machiventa Melchizedek...and the descendants of the Andites to the west and north. But, again, none of these lo...m, rather than in Egypt, China, India, or among the nort...

                • i Witness NEWS

                  The Coming Collapse

                  The Coming Collapse Published 2018-06-15 It is impossible for any doomed population to grasp how fragile the decayed financial, social and political system i...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Guido? Guaido? Neoliberalism's Sacrificial Lamb Scrambles to Prove Himself Worthy of a Name

                    Guido? Guaido? Neoliberalism's Sacrificial Lamb, which has led to some questionable alliances in Iran, Syria, and everywhere else t...ce Bolton’s chummy speeches to Iranian-exile terror cult Mujahedi...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Spring Newsletter of UCNOW

                      Spring Newsletter of UCNOW URANTIAN COMMUNITIES NORTHWEST Spring 2019 Newsletter  ...tos and a list of upcoming Pacific Northwest events.  Growing...19 Events in the Pacific Northwest For more information a...pout” at Miracle Beach, nort...

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        World War III - An Estimate of Consequences by NAN RANDALL "Charlottesville"

                        World War III - An Estimate of Consequences by NAN RANDALL ...Washington, 130 miles to the north, and they came from Richmond,.... But the sky to the east and north of Charlottesville glowed bri...he reserve unit were moved to North Carolina, partly to give the...oyed in the attacks In the nort...