Results for "Earth's sixth mass extinction event"

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    • Soren K Vestergaard

      EARTH Known as URANTIA Receives the 5th Epochal Revelation

      EARTH Known as URANTIA Receives the...e Contact Commissioners The Seventy The Publication Mandate Th...ization was September, 1925. Seventeen of these Charter Members a...n May 31st, 1942. During the seventeen years of official existenc...ving or was deceased. The Seventy In 1939, some of us thoug...

      • Soren K Vestergaard

        Earth: How Things Ought to Be

        Earth: How Things Ought to Be By Soren K Vestergaard    ...est for fulfillment. Yet, no matter how much they amass, but also the authority to dictate the course of events. However, if we pause to...