Results for "retired from teaching 5 years ago and am currently nanny-ing our 11th grandchild"

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    • i Witness NEWS

      Trump vs The Ghost of Marx

      Trump vs The Ghost of Marx 05/01/2021 My fe...uo;the Dove of Oneness’ over fifteen years ago...n to relevant individuals and agencies over the year...she rest in peace.  I have it directly from insid...

      • i Witness NEWS

        Long-term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds

        Long-term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds &nbs...emic implies a staggering 0.89 and 1.37 million excess deaths over the next 15 and 20 years, res...

        • i Witness NEWS

          Japanese physician, scientist and immunologist, Dr Tasuku Honjo Stated Covid-19 is a man made virus. Germ Warfare

           Japanese physician, scientist and   immun...t would have died in hot places. I have done 40 years of...ompletely artificial. I have been working for 4 year...nce that Corona is not natural. It did not come from bats....

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Player Video's & News - Vaccine Awareness Index Page 1

            Player Video's & News - Vaccine Awareness  Vacci...tate of Kentucky Dies aged 36 from Myocarditis or Pulmonary Embo...compared to what we will see from forced evolutionary changes wi...ot;Half may be dead within 10 years if...apos;shocking' stats from relea...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Pandemic Emergency Alerts Player INDEX Page 1

              FEATURED Video's & News  Pandemic Emergency Aler...Moderna Vaccine was patented years before the COVID 19 Scamdemic...mary="The latest release from Infowars is finally here! & discussing how a new virus from Chin...ubacute and long-term effects from the C...

              • Machiventa Melchizedek


                LAW, LIBERTY, AND SOVEREIGNTY - THE RULE OF LAW FEATURED VIDEOS & SITES PLAYER...45npx" title="REVEALED: How Globalists Planned the Covid-19 Pandemic for 10 Years"...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  The World’s Religions

                  The World’s Religions      D...ney making a collection of the teachings of the world’s this record that all these teachings...rived, directly or indirectly, from the...ta Melchizedek, who went forth from...erved in India for hundreds of years afte...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Pato Banton Words of Christ

                    Pato Banton Words of Christ I...DISCOURSE ON THE WATER OF LIFE ►JESUS TEACHING...N RAGE ►THE SERMON AT GERASA ►TEACHING...TENCE ►WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED ►FROM...of Christ I II and III. These inspiring teachings...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Fifty-eighth webinar based on topic 8 of Revelation Revealed - The Global Endeavor

             that emerged in the final years of the twelfth century. He state...ut adds that “it spread from there to northern France and alon...ho lived in towns and cities. From a similar perspective, the Beguin...ssion had highlighted funding from aristocratic sources as a key fea...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Four FREE Spiritual Study Sessions per week on ZOOM

                        Four FREE Spiritual Study Sessions per week on ZOOM Soooooo....itual Study Sessions per week on ZOOM from this...Beginners and Young People ages 12-19 years old...son in your family that could benefit from...s at 10am PST we study The Life & Teachings...