Results for "Urantia Revelatory Process"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Urantia Uganda 2022 August 24 25 26 27 Conference Announcement

      Urantia Uganda 2021 August 18 19 20 21 Conference Announcement   Conference Theme  The Gift of Revelation & The Life and Teachi...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        The Urantia Book New Reader Course

        Go To Source Page at Urantia University Institute ...The Urantia Book New Reader Course...kers first encounter The Urantia Book, they are usually intrig...loring this revelation. Urantia University Institute (UUI) ha...

        • Vaccine Awareness

          After the Lockdown: A Global Coronavirus Vaccination Program by Prof. Michael Chossudovsky

          After the Lockdown: A Global Coronavirus Vaccination Program by Prof. Michae...e enough candidates that at least some of them are moving rapidly through the process. And then for each candida...

          • i Witness NEWS

            Loliad's Vision of The Future of this World

            Loliad's Vision of The Future of this World  ...o foster and conserve the higher spiritual types of the Urantia ra...o foster and conserve the higher spiritual types of the Urantia...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Let's stop the virus! | Let's end the hysteria! | An Open Letter by Dr. Matthias Rath

              Let's stop the virus! Let's end the hysteria! become a manifest infection. As part of this process, virally infected cells ...with lysine to maximize the inhibition of disease processes particularly related to vir...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Urantia Book Study Group (Online and In Person)

                Urantia Book Study Group  (Online and In Perso...bsp;     Urantia Study Group Directory Virtua...nternational Study Group Directory Urantia As...American Study Groups https://urantia...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Good vs Evil Lightworker Websites Alternative NEWS BE INFORMED

                  Good vs Evil  Lightworker Websites Alternative News Be Informed Light in a World of Darkness Exposes that which was Hidden INDEX PAGE...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Humour and Mirth Index Page

                    Humour and Mirth Index Page There is inherent joy in freewill existence, indepen...sp; We are attempting to understand what ideal humor is able to do for us on Urantia...

                    • Angello

                      M4ST projec

                      GOLDEN AGES FOUNDATION (GAF.Ug) Project Goal:   To contribute ...tings in two districts by the end of the project period. To distribute at least 30 Urantia...

                      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                        The religious challenge of this age

                        FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA ​The religious challenge of this age...odness. ~ 2:7.10 The teachings contained in The Urantia Bo...To succeed in this ambitious program, FER Ascenders Urantia...