Results for "Fort Portal Study Group"

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    • i Witness NEWS

      Debunking Dominion Voting Fact Check, Major Win In Pennsylvania

      Debunking Dominion Voting Fact Check, Major Win In Pennsylvania Rumble — DON’T WAI...d to show up to certify the Dominion Voting machines in Maricopa County, a 2019 study...

      • Machiventa Melchizedek

        Judges Rule: PCR Tests are Unreliable | Lockdowns and Quarantine is “illegal detention”

        Judges Rule: PCR Tests are Unreliable | Lockdowns and Qua... all other men long for the same freedom. Groups of such liberty-loving morta...nity PCR test results are a created illusion and group immunity has presumably been...

        • i Witness NEWS

          Frances Perkins Everywhere the world is full of Heroism

          People you may not know about, but probably should...deaths meant something.   A committee to study reforms in safety in factorie...s was formed, and Perkins became the secretary. The group took on not only fire safety,...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Real News Broadcasting 606 INDEX

            Real News Broadcasting 606 INDEX...ctually are "gene therapy", study shows."] [player...62b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA ca...ary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Debriefing with Me Swinwood, Canadian lawyer: Crime Against Humanity and Genocide -Continued Page 2

              Debriefing with Me Swinwood, Canadian lawyer: crime against huma...magined or planned by a small group...egal and moral principles set forth in the above documents are medical experts said efforts to contain the virus, self-is...icants and the members of the group assert as including the appli...

              • i Witness NEWS

                Long-term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds

                Long-term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds  GeoPolitic...days ago A recent study in the journal Cancer Discove...dquo; – Leopoldo Segal, Study Author and Director of the Lu...dquo;Given the results of our study, it is possible that changes...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Urantia Book Study Aids

                  Urantia Book Study Aids TruthBook   The Urantia Book presents to struggling humanity a...lative Prayer Games Urantia Book Crossword Puzzles Urantia Book Study...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Pandemic Emergency Alerts Player INDEX Page 1

                    ...ummary="A large well-run study...safer! Then, why the “efforts”, dear governments of t...s this is a simple summary of study * just published in the Journ...uring the Pandemic In this group interview, four physicians fr...o has been included in a group of doctors nominated for the...

                    • Machiventa Melchizedek


                      LAW, LIBERTY, AND SOVEREIGNTY - THE RULE OF LAW FEATURED...personal expression. Justice is the function of the Group If one man craves freedom... all other men long for the same freedom. Groups of such liberty-loving morta...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        606 Broadcast News Groups

                          606 Broadcast News Groups Note to viewers. When  He exposed them. This Group continues this work of exposu...equal footing. There are only two groups of mortals in the eyes of Go...ct the majority of any given human group against the unfair and enslav...