Results for "PLAYER Real News Broadcasting 606 Page 7"

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    • i Witness NEWS

      Former President Jimmy Carter releases statement on North Korea

      Former President Jimmy Carter releases statement on North Korea Carter on Current U.S.-North Korea Relations   August 10, 2017 FOR IMM...

      • Amule Isaac RCM

        RCM Education Sponsorship Program

        RCM Education Sponsership Program PLEASE CONSIDER SPONSORING OUR CHILDREN & $60*3 a month you will help a child stay in school.follow us to the donate page and send in you support/donat...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Fundraiser Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo

          Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo   Click the PayPal image above to make your d...unde is a long time human teacher of truth who has been tirelessly spreading the Good News...

          • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

            What is consciousness in God's presence?

            What is consciousness in God's presence?   What is consciousness in God's p...Adjuster presence is consciousness of God's presence.   One aspect of real...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Urantia Thought Gem Slider

              [player url="" title="WOWSlider generated by" summary="WOWSlider created with WOW Slider, a free wizard program that helps you easily generate beautiful web slideshow"]

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Urantia Revelations ● Thought Gems

                [player url="" title="WOWSlider generated by" summary="WOWSlider created with WOW Slider, a free wizard program that helps you easily generate beautiful web slideshow"]

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Thought Gems from a Divine Revelation of Truth

                  [player url="" title="Main Menu News Feeder"]

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Thought Gems from a Divine Revelation of Truth

                    Thought Gems From A Divine Revelation of Truth [player url="http://www.machiv...m" title="Main Menu News Feeder"] of an idea lies not in its reality or reasonableness but rath...ictions of profound spiritual realities. Mercy  You should real...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Ethical Praying

                      Ethical Praying No prayer can be ethical when the petitioner seeks for selfish advan...ts and exertions which are contributory to achieving the answers to such prayers. The real...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Urantia Book Films FUNDRAISER

                        Urantia Book Films FUNDRAISER    Click here to visit our donation page Contemplate the massive...