Results for "Urantia Book 2: the Personal Universe (v3)"

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    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

      FER Ascender Teachers and Leaders Revelation Resources Page.

      FER ASCENDERS Revelation Study Groups and Teaching Resources ...s of God. DOWNLOAD A FREE EBOOK OF THE URANTIA REVELATION IN MANY Atlanta Dr Roger Paul The Urantia Book, Synopsis of Paper—119...Group Kabale Uganda Master Universe Almanac  Visual Aid to U...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Urantia Association International UAI 2023 Annual Report

        Urantia Association International UAI 2023 Annual Report CLICK TO VIEW REPORT

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          How we got the Urantia Papers

          How we got the Urantia Papers How We Got The Urantia Papers Just about all that...told about the origin of the Urantia Papers is to be found, here dealing with Deity and the universe of universes which have been formulat...gations. The cosmology of the Urantia Revelation is not inspired. Hu...

          • Soren K Vestergaard

            EARTH Known as URANTIA Receives the 5th Epochal Revelation

            ...n K Vestergaard History Urantia Foundation [1] A History of the Urantia Movement By Dr. William S....Closed Group How We Got The Urantia Papers How We Did Not Get The Urantia Book Reason For Silence Respecting D...ldom did we meet the visiting personalities more than once. Ever...

            • Soren K Vestergaard

              Earth: How Things Ought to Be

              Earth: How Things Ought to Be By Soren K Vestergaard...tends far beyond the realm of personal conduct to encompass the corr...d that riches hold the key to personal worth and ultimate the cosmic rhythms of the universe, individuals find their place...