Results for "Education Committee Urantia Book Fellowship"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      How we got the Urantia Papers

      How we got the Urantia Papers How We Got The Urantia Papers Just about all that...told about the origin of the Urantia Papers is to be found, here a...nd there, in The Urantia Book. A list of such references is to...ack of the dust jacket of the Book. Let us take a brief look at...

      • Soren K Vestergaard

        EARTH Known as URANTIA Receives the 5th Epochal Revelation

        ...n K Vestergaard History Urantia Foundation [1] A History of the Urantia Movement By Dr. William S. S...Closed Group How We Got The Urantia Papers How We Did Not Get The Urantia Book Reason For Silence Respecting Det...he Origin Of The Urantia Book The First Uranti...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Books of Knowledge and Wisdom Advances in Human Health Services. Trials, Errors and Successes'

          Books of Knowledge and Wisdom The following reading list contains many books that served as foundational references for creating both Dissolv...sions and the Dissolving Illusions Companion and Reference. These books, org...