Results for "Kiburara Young Stars Urantia Fellowship Study Group Leader Margaret Twinomugisha"

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    • Angello

      M4ST projec

      ...ry –December, 2021. Two groups will be formed. Each district will form a group of 15 members of which these...embers will include religious leaders from all Christian denominations, social workers, and leaders of humanitarian organisation...t Reports Group leader...

      • Matte Jockas

        Fundraising With WDF Wilmat Development Foundation

        Fundraising With WDF Wilmat Development Foundation WDF COVID-19 Re...ember As the Corona virus Pandemic continues to spread across the globe, many rural young mother...

        • i Witness NEWS

          Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer: ‘Second Wave’ is Faked

          Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer: ‘Second Wave’ is Faked FLICKR/MON...D-19. The scientists write: “A major component our immune systems is the group of whi...

          • i Witness NEWS

            Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing

            Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Ar...Theme: Science and Medicine   “A group is...l to healthy people,” reports Activist Post. The group includ...

            • i Witness NEWS

              Debunking Dominion Voting Fact Check, Major Win In Pennsylvania

              Debunking Dominion Voting Fact Check, Major Win In Pennsylvania Rumble &mdash...failed to show up to certify the Dominion Voting machines in Maricopa County, a 2019 study warned...

              • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                The religious challenge of this age

                FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA ​The reli...goodness. ~ 2:7.10 The teachings contained in The To succeed in this ambitious program, FER Ascenders Urantia Book Fellowship K...

                • JOHN MUKONO

                  Meeting with Bishop Joseph Oyuki Othieno Jan 25th 2020

                  Meeting with Bishop Joseph Oyuki Othieno Jan 25th 2020 Meeting with Bishop Joseph Oyuki Othieno Jan 25th 2020 to pass the Urantia Book to him for use in his Ministry.       

                  • Machiventa Melchizedek

                    Judges Rule: PCR Tests are Unreliable | Lockdowns and Quarantine is “illegal detention”

                    Judges Rule: PCR Tests are Unreliable | Lockdowns and Quarantine i...ber that all other men long for the same freedom. Groups o...cts immunity PCR test results are a created illusion and group immuni...

                    • Levin Foundation Mityana Uganda

                      My Time Project

                      WHAT is the “my time Project”? MY TI...s. Unfortunately, the ripple effect is that young girls like Susan’s frien...ty through training students to act as peer leaders...y because it is quite embarrassing. However young these...

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        Frances Perkins Everywhere the world is full of Heroism

                        People you may not know about, but probably should hsJoutlySs 24,gc...was devastating, killing 146 people, mostly young...eant something.   A committee to study re...rmed, and Perkins became the secretary. The group took o...