Results for "retired from teaching 5 years ago and am currently nanny-ing our 11th grandchild"

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    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

      FER Ascender Teachers and Leaders Revelation Resources Page.

      FER ASCENDERS Revelation Study Groups and Teaching Resources ...SMARTPHONE DOWNLOAD THIS APP FROM...h Epochal Revelation Fellowship Teaching...h Epochal Revelation Fellowship Teaching...HICAL TRANSFORMATION - Insights from...IF YOU FAIL TO RECEIVE A BOOK FROM THE P...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        How we got the Urantia Papers

        ...and human concepts were drawn from the minds of human beings of the...s. Truth is timeless, but the teachings respecting the physical scie...fic discoveries of a thousand years. Revelators must act in accor...s to come, within a few short years many of our statements divine visitations portray teac...

        • Soren K Vestergaard

          EARTH Known as URANTIA Receives the 5th Epochal Revelation

          ...seem that, during these early years, our unseen friends were engaged...." During these early years we were introduced to many new a...rences to Jesus' life and teachings—but they were very cau...nding over a period of twenty years of pre-education. Our apprent...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            There is a silent tragedy developing right now, in our homes, and it concerns our most precious jewels - our children.

            There is a silent tragedy developing right now, in our homes, and it concerns our most pre...ADHD 37% increase in teen depression 200% increase in suicide rate in kids 10-14 years old...