Results for "Player"

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      CROP CIRCLES: CROSSOVERS FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION - FEATURE FILM Published on Jun 30, 2011 From UFOTV®, accept no imitatio...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        The story of father Pedro Opeka

        ...w this was a foreshadowing of what would become, in large part, his life’s work. Pious, academically gifted, and also an excellent soccer player, as a young teen Pedro wonder...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Urantia Thought Gem Slider

          [player url="" title="WOWSlider generated by" summary="WOWSlider created with WOW Slider, a free wizard program that helps you easily generate beautiful web slideshow"]

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Urantia Revelations ● Thought Gems

            [player url="" title="WOWSlider generated by" summary="WOWSlider created with WOW Slider, a free wizard program that helps you easily generate beautiful web slideshow"]

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Thought Gems from a Divine Revelation of Truth

              [player url="" title="Main Menu News Feeder"]

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Thought Gems from a Divine Revelation of Truth

                Thought Gems From A Divine Revelation of Truth [player url="" title="Main...

                • Mother Earth

                  Creatures because we and they share life

                  Creatures because we and they share life [player url=""]

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Get well Susan

                    [player url="" title="Susan M Sesay" summary="Back in action. Feeling good Thank to all my friends and family around the world that for your prayers and all those that help me financially when I..."]​

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Shoulder taps, and the still voice from within.

                      Shoulder taps, and the still voice from within. [player url="" title="Oby Dupree" summary="If you look at only one post today, please look at short and I believe to be total truth."]

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        A soldier's Bible

                        [player url="" title="Amazing story of a soldier and his Bible!" summary="Playing cards paint a beautiful picture"]