Results for "meal"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator


      ...ey talked much about politics and religion until the hour of the evening meal. The Levi family had long bee...o talk over what he had taught them. The Master returned for the evening meal, and during the after-supper...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        PAPER 194 BESTOWAL OF THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH the manner of its establishment; that is, they assembled for a social meal of good fellowship and partook of the sacrament at the end of the meal. 194:4.9 At first they bap...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


          ...had missed them for a full week, and he obtained considerable pleasure from their persistent attentions. 191:5.2 They were having their evening meal a little after six o'cloc...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            PAPER 179 THE LAST SUPPER

            ...for the host to arise from the table and wash his hands. Later on in the meal and after the second cup, all...eerful demeanor they were soon drawn into conversation, and ere long the meal was proceeding as if nothing...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              PAPER 178 LAST DAY AT THE CAMP

              ...iates had lunch ready for them.    2. AFTER THE NOONTIME MEAL    178:2.1...her met them and showed them the upper room in readiness for the evening meal. 178:2.9 And all of this c...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                PAPER 177 WEDNESDAY, THE REST DAY

                ...hey ate breakfast somewhat later than usual, and the camp was pervaded by an ominous silence; little was said during the first half of this morning meal. At last Jesus spoke: "I...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  PAPER 173 MONDAY IN JERUSALEM

                  ...o'clock this afternoon Jesus beckoned to his apostles and indicated that he desired to leave the temple and to go to Bethany for their evening meal and a night of rest. On the w...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    PAPER 167 THE VISIT TO PHILADELPHIA

                    ...efore he sat down to eat. Abner washed his hands at the beginning of the meal but not during the serving. 167:1.4 Near the end of the meal there came in from the street...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      PAPER 166 LAST VISIT TO NORTHERN PEREA

                      ...s, as did the Pharisees, after each course of food nor at the end of the meal. 166:1.3 After considerabl...IDENTS    166:4.1 While most Palestinians ate only two meals a day, it was the custom of...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        PAPER 165 THE PEREAN MISSION BEGINS

                        ...s wealth? 165:4.13 "3. How did you use your wealth?" 165:4.14 Then Jesus went into his tent to rest for a while before the evening meal. When the apostles had finish...