Results for "Inspired by a Divine Revelation of Truth"


    • i Witness NEWS

      The Death of Truth Pg3

      Page 3 The Death of Truth In 1975 Kissinger during a conversation with the U.S. ambassador to Turkey and two Turkish and Cypriot diplomats assured his hosts that he could...

      • i Witness NEWS

        The Death of Truth Pg4

        Page 4 The Death of Truth "The physical demeanor of this man, the way he describes life in...of many examples of the failure by the embedded reporters to report the truth. They were part of the team.&...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The Early Childhood of Jesus

          The Early Childhood of Jesus          OWING to the uncertai...and there came to abide with him a Thought Adjuster, a divine gif...11, 2 B.C. Jesus was no more aware of the coming of the divin...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Events of the Sixth, Seventh & Eighth Years (1 ● 2 ● B.C.)

            Events of the Sixth ● Seventh ● Eighth Years     Already, with his...grew up, to meet an almost endless procession of earnest students and sincere truth seekers. Before this year end...

            • Joshua Ben Joseph


              Zoroastrianism    Zoroaster was himself...consonance with the spirit of truth. God is all-seeing, and he beh...he realization of all that is divinely perfect.    ...ishment, but those who follow truth shall enjoy the bliss of an e...

              • Joshua Ben Joseph


                Buddhism     Ganid was shocked to discover how near Buddhism cam...things as they are gain joy by thus embracing the truth. Mak...supreme enlightenment of the peace and liberty of divine wisdom. Remember, every act...

                • Joshua Ben Joseph


                  Hinduism     The missionaries of is illuminated by this divine light. God is our protector & true Person is eternal and divine; he is the primal Lord of hea...vidence is our Father. God is truth. And it is the desire of God...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Suduanism (Jainism)

                    Suduanism (Jainism)      The third group of religious be...shall find a place in heaven. We are assured of the life hereafter if we know truth. The soul of man may ascend t...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator


                      Shinto      Only recently had the manuscripts of this F...Says the Lord: ‘You are all recipients of my divine pow...alsehood and hypocrisy, with a soul which reflects truth like a mirror. If you would g...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator


                        Taoism      The messengers of Melchizedek penetrated fa...he longest and containing most of the monotheistic truth was...the laws of the Eternal are wise. Ignorance of the divine law is misery and disaster....