Results for "Truth in Science"


    • Joshua Ben Joseph


      Judaism The Kenites of Palestine salvaged much of the teac...uffering and abundant in goodness and truth. The Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting, and his truth endures to all generations. O...who call upon him in sincerity and in truth....

      • i Witness NEWS

        The Death of Truth Pg2

        The Death of Truth Page 2 To entrap and spy on activists, Washington has used an array of informants, including Adrian Lamo, who sold Bradley Manning out...

        • i Witness NEWS

          The Death of Truth Pg3

          Page 3 The Death of Truth In 1975 Kissinger during a conversation with the U.S. ambassador to Turkey and two Turkish and Cypriot diplomats assured his hosts t...

          • i Witness NEWS

            The Death of Truth Pg4

            Page 4 The Death of Truth "The physical demeanor of this man, the way he describes life in the one of many examples of the failure by the embedded reporters to report the truth....

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Events of the Sixth, Seventh & Eighth Years (1 ● 2 ● B.C.)

              ...p, to meet an almost endless procession of earnest students and sincere truth seekers. Before this year end...ers. He persisted in asking many embarrassing questions concerning both science and religion, particularly re...

              • Joshua Ben Joseph


                Zoroastrianism    Zoroaster was himself directly in life is to act in consonance with the spirit of truth. God is all-seeing, and he be...evil shall receive punishment, but those who follow truth s...

                • Joshua Ben Joseph


                  Buddhism     Ganid was shocked to discover how near Buddhism came to being a great and beau...ose who avoid evil by seeing things as they are gain joy by thus embracing the truth....

                  • Joshua Ben Joseph


                    Hinduism     The missionaries of Melchizedek carried the teachin...’ The God of providence is our Father. God is truth. And it is the desire of God...hould understand him — come fully to know the truth....

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Suduanism (Jainism)

                      Suduanism (Jainism)      The third group of religious believers who preserved the...shall find a place in heaven. We are assured of the life hereafter if we know truth....

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator


                        Shinto      Only recently had the manuscripts of this Far-Eastern religion been lo...h a clean heart, free from falsehood and hypocrisy, with a soul which reflects truth l...