Results for "Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      The Birth of Jesus

      The Birth of Jesus     All that night Mary was restless so that...    Even as he spoke by the mouth of his holy...sp;  To show mercy to our fathers, and remember his holy cove...

      • Joshua Ben Joseph


        Zoroastrianism    Zoroaster was himself directly in contact with...o;All things come from, and belong to, the One God — all-wise, good, righteous, holy, res...

        • Joshua Ben Joseph


          Buddhism     Ganid was shocked to discover how near the Immortal easy of access. I pray for faith to sustain me on the long journey; I know that faith from beyond will not fail me....of the liberty of your own mind. When the faith of...

          • Joshua Ben Joseph


            Hinduism     The missionaries of Melchizedek carried the teachi...onqueror. We worship him because he is man’s faithful and eternal helper. God is....     “We have learned to win faith by...

            • Joshua Ben Joseph


              Confucianism      Even the least God-recognizing of the Heaven within me often makes hard demands on my faith. If God is with me, I have determined to have no doubt in my heart. Faith mus...

              • Joshua Ben Joseph

                Our Religion

                “Our Religion”      After the arduous labor commit the keeping of our souls to him as to a faithful Creator. With our heavenly...t by searching for him I shall become like him. By faith in...

                • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                  How the Holy Spirit Changes us from the Inside Out?

                  How the Holy Spirit Changes us from the Inside Out? Not only do...the control and power of the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the Spir...patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self consciously to realize the faith-fact of sonship with God. ~ T...the power and control of the Holy Spir...

                  • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                    Endeavor to turn over to the Holy Spirit all thoughts that do not serve! >

                    Endeavor to turn over to the Holy Spirit all thoughts that do not serve! God Jesus Christ, brings us into the presence of the most holy,...n our mind to His gentle and loving teaching through the Holy Spir...

                    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                      Does the human mind have the capability to perceive the Divine Presence of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity of God as God knows Himself/Herself/Itself? (Or, is it impossible)

                      Does the human mind have the capability to perceive the Divine Presence of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity of God as God kno...3:4.2). May we be granted a greater knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spir...

                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                        What is consciousness in God's presence?

                        What is consciousness in God's presence? Attention, presence, alertness, comprehension, responsiveness, bei...uster presence is consciousness of God's presence. One aspect of real faith is...