Results for "End Times"


    • i Witness NEWS

      The Death of Truth Pg4 the state. As a reporter at The New York Times, I was among those expected t...ormation. The Pentagon Papers, released to the Times in 1971, and the Times’...ised by the disclosure.” The New York Times, The Guardian, El Pais, Le Mo...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        The Early Childhood of Jesus

        The Early Childhood of Jesus          OWING to the uncertainties and anxieties of their sojourn in Bethlehem, Mary did not wean the ba...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Events of the Sixth, Seventh & Eighth Years (1 ● 2 ● B.C.)

          ...ndred years.     The play life of Jewish children in the times of Jesus was rather circumscr...ld see the long ridge of Mount Carmel running down to the sea; and many times Jesus heard his father relate...

          • Joshua Ben Joseph


            ...beliefs which reflected something of the influence of the teachings of the Melchizedek missionaries who continued their work in India even to the times of Buddha. Jesus and Ganid co...

            • Joshua Ben Joseph


              Hinduism     The missionaries of Melchizedek carried the teachings of the one God with them wherever they journeyed. Much of this monotheistic d...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Suduanism (Jainism)

                Suduanism (Jainism)      The third group of religious believers who preserved the doctrine of one God in India — the survival of...

                • Joshua Ben Joseph


         the Great Heaven our Father and our Mother. If we are thus servants of our divine ancestors, then may we in confidence pray to Heaven. At all times and in everything let us stan...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    The Later Childhood of Jesus Ninth & Tenth Years

                    ...rst time he possessed tools of his own. At odd times for many years he worked at had seen snow on the mountains, and several times it had fallen in Nazareth, of his aversion to physical combat. Several times older and uncouth youths atta...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      EMBRACE THE APICAL MERISTEM

                      EMBRACE THE APICAL MERISTEM   EMBRACE THE APICAL MERISTEM Those of us serious about expanding the influence of The Urantia Book in our world would do...

                      • Walwasa Martin

                        Please Help

                        ...ignated funds are needed for emergencies,-Staff salary, deficits, sickness, transportation and unexpected deaths (which is common in Africa). Many times OCT staff doesn’t have...