Results for "EARTH"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator


      ...e true concept of the union in one earth personality of the two nature...kingdom come! Your will be done on earth, even as it is in heaven.&quo...e could order the remainder of his earth life. Each of these ways had.... 136:7.4 Throughout his entire earth life Jesus was consistently l...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator


        ...the appearance of the new and eternal order of earth affairs, the kingdom of heave...oward their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." And it wa...ual kingdom and the end of the temporal age on earth, he was sorely in doubt as to...

        • Joshua Ben Joseph


          ...he is the Most High of heaven and earth. God is the perfected circle...sole maker of the heavens and the earth. When he decrees a thing, tha...“God pours rain upon the earth, he causes the sun to shine u...e really loves us, his children on earth. Our God will forgive us and...

          • Joshua Ben Joseph


            ...d created the heavens and the earth and all things therein. And,...m in heaven above or upon the earth beneath. Therefore shall you...e heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than y...God, for he fills heaven and earth. Let the heavens be glad and...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              The Birth of Jesus

     informed that “the light of life” was about to appear on earth as a babe and among the Jews....ethlehem, where they found the babe and left their gifts with Mary, his earth mother. The babe was almost t...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                The Early Childhood of Jesus

                ...opardize his welfare or in any way interfere with his future mission on earth; no mother was ever more devo...p of the caravan conductors and passengers from the four corners of the earth.     In July o...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Events of the Sixth, Seventh & Eighth Years (1 ● 2 ● B.C.)

         father the cause of a mild earthquake which had just occurred,...hich Jesus found out that his earthly parents were not all-wise a...he would talk to Joseph, his earthly father. This departure from...from the four quarters of the earth as men from many lands passed...

                  • Joshua Ben Joseph


                    ...aths ordained by his revealed religion. There is but one Supreme God, the Lord of Lights. We worship him who made the waters, plants, animals, the earth, and the heavens. Our God is...

                    • Joshua Ben Joseph


                      ...nt, reflective, fervent, and earnest — even while he yet lives on earth — may attain the suprem...;A righteous soul is more to be desired than the sovereignty of all the earth. Immortality is the goal of s...

                      • Joshua Ben Joseph


                        ...r sure leader and unfailing guide. He is the great parent of heaven and earth, possessed of unlimited energ...o because God is a kind friend and a gracious father who remits all our earthly offenses.    ...