Results for "Vocational Training"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 43-56

      The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 43-56...:7. The Univitatia 43:8. The Edentia Training Worlds 43:9. Citizens...45:5. The Material Sons 45:6. Adamic Training of Ascenders 45:7. Th...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 135-158

        The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Day 137:7. Four Months of Training 137:8. Sermon on the...Kingdom   Paper 138: Training the Kingdom's Messengers...oodness   Paper 148: Training Evangelists at Bethsaida...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


           THE ADOLESCENT YEARS  THE ADOLESCENT YEARS   127:0.1 A...year Jesus had fully won his mother to the acceptance of his methods of child training -- the positive injunction to...

          • God Discovered

            God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 5 Follow Me - What He Meant

            God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 5 Follow Me - What He Meant   http...ordinarily achieves only at the conclusion of his long sojourn in the spirit training schools of the successive lev...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 7 Love | Wedlock

              God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 7 Love | Wedlock Click the icon for...ervice and consequent joy in the establishment of homes for the reception and training of children, in the creation...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 32 Jesus/Michael: Creator Sons

                God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 32    Jesus/Michael: Creator Sons&nbs...nd additional ways. These bestowals are the last steps in their education and training for the sublime tasks of ruli...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35 Adam and Eve: True History

                  God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35   Adam and Eve: True History ...ion and animal husbandry, devoted to practical arts, fundamental intellectual training, social culture, economic dev...