Results for "Universal Life"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 16-31

      The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 16-31      ...19:3. The Divine Counselors 19:4. The Universal Censors 19:5. Inspire...25:1. The Havona Servitals 25:2. The Univ...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 32-42

        ...    Paper 36: The Life Carriers 36:0. The Life Carriers 36:1. Origin and...radise Forces and Energies 42:2. Universal Nonspiritual Energy Syst.... Natural Philosophy 42:10. Universal Nonspiritual Energy Syst...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 43-56

          ...sp; Paper 48: The Morontia Life 48:0. The Morontia Life 48:1. Morontia Materials...Paper 55: The Spheres of Light and Life 55:0. The Spheres...Stage   Paper 56: Universal Unity 56:0. Universal Unity 56:1. Phys...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 57-65

            The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format P...ion   Paper 58: Life Establishment on Urantia 58:0. Life Establishment on Urantia 5...: Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era 60:0. Urantia...trol of Evolution 65:1. Life Carrier Functions 65:2.&nb...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 66-77

              ...Prince's Reign 66:7. Life in Dalamatia 66:8. Misfort...ganization 72:3. The Home Life 72:4. The Educational...olleges 72:9. The Plan of Universal Suffrage 72:10. ...en Home 73:6. The Tree of Life 73:7. The Fate of Ede...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 78-92

                The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 78-92    ...ization of Marriage   Paper 84: Marriage and Family Life 84:0. Marriage and Family Life 84:1. Primitive Pair...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 104-119

                  The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 104-119     &n...p;Nature of the Soul 111:3. The Evolving Soul 111:4. The Inner Life 111:5. The Consecrati...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 120-134

                    The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 120-134   &n...-Sixth Year (A.D. 20)   Paper 129: The Later Adult Life of Jesus 129:0. The Later Adult Life of Jesus 129:1. The T...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 135-158

                      The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 135-158     &n...John Becomes Nazarite 135:2. The Death of Zacharias 135:3. The Life of Shepherd 135:4. Th...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 159-188

                        The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 159-188...the World 162:6. Discourse on the Water of Life 162:7. The Discourse...sp;One Day Alone with God 177:2. Early Home Life 177:3. The Day at Cam...