Results for "I Love Music"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 24 Contact With God!

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 24   Contact With God Click t...of spiritual transcendent growth for YOU, His beloved child. ​ 146:2.4 By...e for our spouses, spend time with them and seek to love...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 27 The Soul

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 27   The Soul Cl...The same one who, if God the Father of Love, had decided to leave his thr...our Procedure must be based on Love, and our Goal of Atta...h for God is the unstinted bestowal of love...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 28 Who Am I?

          God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 28   Who Am I?...llow his “house rules”: to love and serve one another. Not ea...t all of his Creation as the Father of Love, he needs to have children to...resence of that new and all-dominating love...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 29 | Kingdom of Heaven: Overview

            God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 29   Kingdom of Heaven: Ove...God is no respecter of persons. He loves us all equally.  ...f you would but believe that my Father loves you with an infinite love, t..., through the experience of falling in love...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 30 - Now: My Potential s?

              God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 30    Now: My Potential s? apostles, save one. [Judas, but Jesus still loved Judas and gave him every The search for God is the unstinted bestowal of love...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 31 - Our Spiritual Power Multiplied: ACTION

                God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 31   Our Spiritual Power Multiplied: “Question not my Father’s POWER of love, only the sincerity and The search for God is the unstinted bestowal of love...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 32 Jesus/Michael: Creator Sons

                  God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 32    Jesus/Michael: C...y due to the pouring out of his Divine Love, there are organized seven and to bestow upon our children the love and knowledge we experienced...h for God is the unstinted bestowal of love...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 34 Am I a Son of God?

                    God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 34   Am I a Son of God?   ...Is this my personal religion? How clear our Beloved Jesus makes this to us: The search for God is the unstinted bestowal of love...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35 Adam and Eve: True History

                      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35   Adam and Eve:..., arrival and story of this beloved Son and Daughter of our Crea...come in pairs, are deeply in love and so connected that they in rebellion against our Beloved Universe Father, as his the unstinted bestowal of love...

                      • Lindianne  Sappington

                        Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

                        Natural Healing Food, Herbs & Spices Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) 149:5.2 Have you not read in t...rd than great treasure and trouble therewith. Better is a dinner of herbs where love...