Results for "human life"


    • Mother Earth


      The huge elephants of this and subsequent periods possessed large brains as well as l...fficiently large to enable it to carry on. Confronted by the highly intelligent life of these ages, no animal the...

      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

        Life at Safo

        Having a good peaceful time.

        • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

          By the Grace of God go we.

          Good afternoon. Talk about the grace of God that has kept us till today, its by his plans that you, i, the other one and all of us are still living this life.  Love you sisters, brothers, dears and all citizens of USA, Canada, Slovakia, and the entire world.

          • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

            Children receive Bibles

            So God here i will make sure all their hearts are filled with joy. For i know that nothing much  they need than love, happiness care and help somewhere in their day by day life necessities. Mom Jane Maden Bingham here are your bibles you sent to us.

            • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

              Children receive Bibles

              So God here i will make sure all their hearts are filled with joy. For i know that nothing much  they need than love, happiness care and help somewhere in their day by day life necessities. Mom Jane Maden Bingham here are your bibles you sent to us.

              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                Children receive Bibles

                So God here i will make sure all their heart...and help somewhere in their day by day life necessities. Mom Jane Ma...of children without the necessities of life and the parental ministry.&nb...tempting to provide the necessities of life and participation for these o...

                • Kirunda Sula CCM

                  Life at Christ's Care Ministry

                  A Day in Our Lives Caption  

                  • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru


                    THANKSGIVING   In the names of Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru myself and the childr...ultiply your bank accounts, your joy and peace in your heart as you live a free life of simple egos.  &n...

                    • Amule Isaac RCM


                        3/4 of the children in the world live in poverty .each child we care for reduces that number .how are you helping