Results for "Garden of Hope"


    • Tumwijukye simon

      Revelation Poetry in Motion | United Unity

      Revelation Poetry in Motion | United Unity     &nbs...avenly Father. Your apostolic harmony must grow out of the fact that the spirit hope of each of you is identical i...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Revelation Poetry in Motion | Unite Us

        Revelation Poetry in Motion | Unite Us 103:1.1 The unity of religious experienc...Warm and rosy, and I’ll stake All I have, Love’s no mistake! I hope you catch the drift above. N...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The Spirit Direction

          The Spiritual Direction “Only that mind which freely submits itself to the spirit direction can hope to survive the mortal time-space existence as an immortal child of the eternal spirit world.” 42:12.15 (484.3) A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            ALKEBULAN GARDEN OF EDEN MOTHER OF MANKIND Ka-bwla Land of the Spirits/Blacks

            ALKEBULAN GARDEN OF EDEN MOTHER OF MANKIND Ka-bwla Land of the Spirits/Blacks