Results for "With His Love"


    • Tumwijukye simon

      Revelation Poster Art by Simon TumWijukye 5th Epochal Revelation

      Revelation Poster Art by Simon TumWijukye 5th Epochal Revelation   To...of the Eternal become increasingly co-ordinated and unified in God, who is love. (The Urantia Book)...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        Revelation Poetry in Motion | Beauty Can Lead

        ...of, and  identification with, the indwelling Adjuster. An...larges the capacity to  love and serve one’s fellows...human motives of  time with the eternal plans of the indw...ins. Beauty starts somewhere within. Beauty’s in beholde...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          Revelation Poetry in Motion | Direction

          ..., but direct physical contact with the evolutionary races ...ned on  the planet. But with the Adamic default this regim...ed to struggle in conjunction with the Thought Adjusters, both w...y home, I write my rhymes. I love to write, and then express T...

          • Paul Anderson

            Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Find Your Path

            ...ese expressions of the divine urge within the evolving creature may b...k must now be done Shorter days with setting suns. Invigorated...e not sound.   A God of Love, we tend to spurn. A warli...w do look inside And find where love there does reside.  ...

            • Paul Anderson

              Revelation Poetry in Motion | Poems by Paul Anderson | World Change

     as the polar regions continue to be covered with ice, it is hardly possible fo...Change The warmest year we’ve ever had. With less winter, it’s not b...pray all souls look deep inside And find Your Love, it won’t divide! Paul...

              • Paul Anderson

                Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Wars Will End

                ...dern man has been told that God is love. War has served many valuable...ocial gain in any way commensurate with the terrible losses attendant...Today I’ll join my voice with others— With my sist...scoff. One God who spreads his love to all Will unite us thoug...

                • Paul Anderson

                  Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Go With God

                  ...| Poems by Paul Anderson | Go With God 107:5.2 Since Adjusters can plan, work, and love, they must have powers of selfhood which are commensurate with mind. They are possessed of u...imited ability to communicate with each other, that is, all form...

                  • Paul Anderson

                    Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Advancing Love

                    ...etry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Advancing Love Advancing Love Cold and rainy all day lon...ays cards he’s dealt.   So with my humble hat in hand I pr...ank You, Father, what I see Is advancing Love through history. Our direc...

                    • Paul Anderson

                      Revelation Poetry In Motion by Paul Anderson | Thank You

            ;16 Hap presented the early races with a moral law. This code was kn...l our energy banks. A day to feast with gathered guests. I pray love fills all of our nests. With love on board to pass around A fe...owed how they survived Cooperating with the Indian tribes. They le...

                      • Paul Anderson

                        Revelation Poetry in Motion by Paul Anderson | Beauty Can Lead

                        ...of, and  identification with, the indwelling Adjuster. An...larges the capacity to  love and serve one’s fellows...human motives of  time with the eternal plans of the indw...ins. Beauty starts somewhere within. Beauty’s in beholde...