Results for "Urantia Uganda AFRICA Report 2021 - 06 JUNE"


    • i Witness NEWS
      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

        Babrye says hello from SAFO in Jinja Uganda

        Babrye says hello from SAFO in Jinja Uganda

        • Beth

          Report cards

          Robert is with his kids proudly displaying their report cards.

          • Robert Walugosi

            Life at Butiiki Children's Ministry

            The kids at the orphanage enjoyed their party on 26th,June 2017 ,Butiiki Children's Ministry call upon everyone willing to donate to the orphanage children there is no donation that is big a...

            • Robert Walugosi

              Life at Butiiki Children's Ministry

              The kids at the orphanage enjoyed their party on 26th,June 2017 ,Butiiki Children's Ministry call upon everyone willing to donate to the orphanage children there is no donation that is big a...

              • Robert Walugosi

                Life at Butiiki Children's Ministry

                The kids at the orphanage enjoyed their party on 26th,June 2017 ,Butiiki Children's Ministry call upon everyone willing to donate to the orphanage children there is no donation that is big a...

                • Robert Walugosi

                  Life at Butiiki Children's Ministry

                  The kids at the orphanage enjoyed their party on 26th,June 2017 ,Butiiki Children's Ministry call upon everyone willing to donate to the orphanage children there is no donation that is big a...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Ready to head for the field

                    Mugerwa and Tony at the ball store in Jina, Uganda shopping on behalf of Monica; Tony's adoption from afar parent. 

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Looks like a match

                      Mugerwa and Tony at the ball store in Jina, Uganda shopping on behalf of Monica; Tony's adoption from afar parent.