Results for "Build an Opportunity"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      #22 Andre Radatus

      URANTIA BOOK NETWORK 493 subscribers SUBSCRIBE “The angels had an interesting way of getting me back t...commends that we not bludgeon people with Urantia Book facts; that rather, we build on th...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        2020-11-15 Uganda Book Deliveries Bishop Moses Kaharwa and Pastor Caroline

        Revelation Outreach Caroline and Moses at a little village of "Buseru" Caroline hopes to build a school in this village.&nbs...Plans are in the works and the land and some building ma...

        • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba


          Garden of Hope       Garden of Hope, where Hope is Restored The organiz...isadvantaged youths, elders and vulnerable people. We believed we are able to build a sus...

          • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba


            Garden of Hope       Garden of Hope, where Hope is Restored The organiz...isadvantaged youths, elders and vulnerable people. We believed we are able to build a sus...

            • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba


              Garden of Hope       Garden of Hope, where Hope is Restored The organiz...isadvantaged youths, elders and vulnerable people. We believed we are able to build a sus...

              • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba


                Garden of Hope       Garden of Hope, where Hope is Restored The organiz...isadvantaged youths, elders and vulnerable people. We believed we are able to build a sus...

                • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba


                  Garden of Hope       Garden of Hope, where Hope is Restored The organiz...isadvantaged youths, elders and vulnerable people. We believed we are able to build a sus...