Results for "visit to Kampala Uganda"


    • Lyn Bassage Sewert

      Favor & Lyn

      Favour at Samaritan Foundation Orphanage in Jinja Uganda run by Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru received a care package from her "James 1:27 Momma Lyn"

      • Lyn Bassage Sewert

        Favor and Lyn

        Favour at Samaritan Foundation Orphanage in Jinja Uganda run by Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru received a care package from her "James 1:27 Momma Lyn"

        • Amule Isaac RCM

          RCM The Children's Daily Activities

          Religion that is pure and undefined before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27

          • Amule Isaac RCM

            RCM The Children's Daily Activities

            Religion that is pure and undefined before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27

            • Amule Isaac RCM


              My name is Herny. l am 14 years old . I love football so much and I want to become a good footballer in future so that I  can play for my country Uganda .   Please consider sponsoring Herny for just ($60*3) per semester. 

              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                Jamil Kidodo

                This is Jamil Kidodo. ADOPTED by Cheryl from NJ He is with the Samaritian Foundation Orphanage in Jinja, Uganda.  He looks forward to having someone in the world who cares for him, prays for him, and willing to send him a loving note each month.  

                • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                  Sharifa Nakidodo

                  This is Sharifa Nakidodo. She is an 11 year old; born on May 20, 2006. She has been adopted by Janet in NJ, USA She is also with the Samaritian Foundation Orphanage in Jinja, Uganda