Results for "Food Forest Program"


    • Robert Walugosi


      THIS IS SO SAD THAT IN AFRICA WE HAVE THESE MANY CHALLENGES, HERE COMES ESEZA HE IS HIV/Aids...d, We have been working with her for so long taking care of children and serving them food at...

      • Robert Walugosi


        THIS IS SO SAD THAT IN AFRICA WE HAVE THESE MANY CHALLENGES, HERE COMES ESEZA HE IS HIV/Aids...d, We have been working with her for so long taking care of children and serving them food at...

        • Robert Walugosi


          THIS IS SO SAD THAT IN AFRICA WE HAVE THESE MANY CHALLENGES, HERE COMES ESEZA HE IS HIV/Aids...d, We have been working with her for so long taking care of children and serving them food at...

          • Robert Walugosi


            THIS IS SO SAD THAT IN AFRICA WE HAVE THESE MANY CHALLENGES, HERE COMES ESEZA HE IS HIV/Aids...d, We have been working with her for so long taking care of children and serving them food at...

            • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

              Boys will be boys

              These were fighting for one plate of food, oh my!

              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                Photo of me today

                From the most deepest point of my heart, all days come and go as we live a life in our d...ur works, how to overcome the challenges we face everyday like rent fees, medication, food sh...

                • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                  These were fighting for one plate of food, oh my!

                  These were fighting for one plate of food, oh my!

                  • Kuruse ● Grace Chosen Children Ministry

                    My word is, it is good to pray but He who acts makes it happen. Thank you

                    2:15 Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 2:16 If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his...

                    • Kuruse ● Grace Chosen Children Ministry

                      My word is, it is good to pray but He who acts makes it happen. Thank you

                      2:15 Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 2:16 If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his...

                      • Kuruse ● Grace Chosen Children Ministry

                        My word is, it is good to pray but He who acts makes it happen. Thank you

                        2:15 Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 2:16 If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his...