Results for "FAQ Images"


    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

      To God be the Glory!!! Firewood & Food Supplies

      To God be the Glory!!!  Firewood & Food Supplies To God be the glory we bought some firewood and food store was filled with food for Safo little angels...

      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

        Ntono Zuena in her school uniform

        Photo of the Day Ntono Zuena in her school uniform, with her bag that she received from USA from mom JBingham.  This day is  for her also to be posted.

        • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

          Who is the Good Samaritan!

          The Life we Live at SAFO   We couldn't miss a pause for a photo with him. This is a boy whom we care for but in the hands of his grandma. She sell...

          • Kirunda Sula CCM

            Christ's Care Ministry

            God's Will  

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Apostles of Christ ● Womens Corps

              Female Human Teachers of Truth

              • i Witness NEWS

                Timeline of Evil -Sin - Iniquity

                Click and OPEN IN A NEW TAB TO VIEW FULL SCREEN Timeline of Evil -Sin - Iniquity 

                • ET NEWS

                  UK Crop Circle 2016

                  Newly Formed Crop Circle In the UK Amazes Researchers “The massive crop circle is a humongous 300-foot figure that occupies two acres of land and features a number of mysterious symbols that according to researchers are TWENTY astrological symbols adorning its edges

                  • ET NEWS

                    UK Crop Circle 2016

                    Newly Formed Crop Circle In the UK Amazes Researchers “The massive crop circle is a humongous 300-foot figure that occupies two acres of land and features a number of mysterious symbols that according to researchers are TWENTY astrological symbols adorning its edges

                    • ET NEWS

                      UK Crop Circle 2016

                      Newly Formed Crop Circle In the UK Amazes Researchers “The massive crop circle is a humongous 300-foot figure that occupies two acres of land and features a number of mysterious symbols that according to researchers are TWENTY astrological symbols adorning its edges

                      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                        Sharing, caring, and loving are feelings of the heart minds and soul.

                        Sharing, caring, and loving are feelings of the heart minds and soul. Its not all done but still we have to go on as long as we are having a gift of life. Sharin...