Results for "Powers"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      ...ect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function — when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of deve...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        ...ect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function — when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of deve...

        • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

          ...nifies that the premagical incantations of primitive religion have evolved to that level where the human mind recognizes the reality of beneficent powers or beings who are able to enh...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            110:6.13The seventh circle. This level is entered when human beings develop the powers of personal choice, individual decision, moral responsibility, and the capacity for the attainme...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              ...arth! The Great Creative Word I AM gives to each ascending creature the powers to give all their worship and...o choose Life .. you dedicate all your faculties of expression and your powers of experience unto this Divin...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                ...ailability of an exclusive "Author's Pre-publication Edition" of a long-awaited bombshell: 01 The Elite Private Boarding Schools 02 Separation of Powers 03 A Complete Theory of Acces...

                • Ngambeki Barnabas

                  ...oming born anew through the power of God the Father’s Indwelling Life, and his all-ennobling love, that I am entering the Kingdom of Heaven by the powers of holy faith, and by my whol...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    ...ided all things for us and in advance. God loves us too much to do that, for that would be nothing short of cosmic tyranny. Man does have relative powers of choice. Neither is the div...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      107:5.2 Since Adjusters can plan, work, and love, they must have powers of selfhood which are commensurate with mind. They are possessed of unlimited ability to communicate with each...

                      • Ngambeki Barnabas

                        100:4.3 (1097.7) But the great problem of religious living consists in the task of unifying the soul powers of the personality by the dominance of love. Health, mental efficiency, and...