Results for "Chad Gates"

Wall posts

    • Tom

      Have you seen this btw ? Important. Dr. Kaufman talks about the 6666 Tracing Resolution Congress passed and at the 30:00 minute mark and electric DNA modifying vaccine Gates (AntiChrist) wants us all injected with at the 47:00 minute mark:

      • Tumwijukye simon

        69:3.3 All down through the ages the taboos have operated to keep woman strictly in.... Do those things, go with the grain. Help the tide of love role in. Open gates you find within. Let love wa...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          76:5.6 The supermaterial government of Urantia, under the direction of the Melchized...s list. To live a life based on that Faith, Will open Heaven and its gates. Love will guide you to th...