Results for "build an Opportunity for Africa"

Wall posts

    • Gumisiriza Julius

      Terrible within Christianity

      • Soren K Vestergaard

        Mission of Urantia Sharing for the next 12 months! Dear frien...ipping a single Urantia Book to almost anywhere in Africa can amount to $100. In contra...bitious plans to distribute 1,200 Urantia Books to Africa within the next 12 months. Gi...

        • Magara Benjamin

          Dear Urantia Community, I hope this finds you all well and filled with anticipation for the exciting news I bring toda...will soon be over, and our brothers and sisters in Uganda will soon have the opport...

          • Magara Benjamin

            Dear URANTIA Community, I have great news. I have received some of the books we were waiting for. They are now in my h...who are waiting for them as soon as possible. I would also like to take this opport...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              66:6.2 When Christian missionaries go into the heart of Africa, where sons and daughters are supposed to remain under the control and direction of their parents throughout the lifetime of the pare...