Results for "How great leaders inspire action"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      15:1.3 Urantia is situated in a local universe and a superuniverse not fully organized, and y...rk without a signal It certainly is being fickle. Oh well, the day will still be great....

      • Tumwijukye simon

        15:1.3 Urantia is situated in a local universe and a superuniverse not fully organized, and without a signal It certainly is being fickle. Oh well, the day will still be great....

        • Gumisiriza Julius

          There are many compelling teachings in The Urantia Book that warrant a closer look. Our a will for each of our lives. This pilgrimage is the greates...Gard launched Compassionate Las Vegas for non-profit leader...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            55:3.21&22 The great handicap confronting Urantia in the matter of attaining the high pla...til it has achieved one language, one religion, and one philosophy. Being of one race greatl...

            • Akankwasa Moses

              Julius's book has not only brought hope to us but also faith and humanity in our community on SFN Online reader, and on Amazon.

              • Gumisiriza Julius

                Dear friends! We are thrilled to share some wonderful news with you...Soren, Presiding Head of the Urantia book Library. It's of a great s...good gesture. All religions will come together!. Author Great...

                • Gumisiriza Julius


                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    71:4.17 Idealism can never survive on an evolving planet if the idealists in each generation...permit themselves to be exterminated by the baser orders of humanity. And here is the great...

                    • Faith Anthony

                      Human beings are the lowest level of freewill creatures in the unive...rlds, the departure of a loved one is not generally met with great s...ousand earth years. The universe is a big school. We spend a great...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        92:7.11 Religious meanings progress in self-consciousness when the c...he parent-child relationship. Slaves have always experienced great d...fears born of the dread of natural phenomena. And so should greate...