Results for "Prayers & Thanksgiving"

Wall posts

    • Mugabane isaac

      To Everyone who's supporting us just know you saving a life!, Managing this work isn't an easy task but your generosity, kindness, love, support and prayers

      • Tumwijukye simon

        70:1.2 Andon taught his children to settle disputes by each beating a tree with a stick, meanwhile cursing the...uled each other, while the audience decided the winner by its applause. War&Peace...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Pato Banton Here we go again! Sep 15th: 12th Annual Philanthropy Leaders Summit (PA Show) Sep 17th: Bhakti - March 4th “Focus on Ubuntu Documentary” Oct 7th: Edentia Wellness Event & Pato’s...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            48:6.5&6 On the mansion worlds the seraphic evangels will help you to choose wisely among the optional routes to Edentia, Salvington, Uversa, and Havona. If there are...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              116:4.10 When the bestowal Sons reveal new ways for man to find God, they are not creating these paths of divinit...the presence of the Supreme to the person of the Paradise Father. Pathways&Byways...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                70:3.4&5 The peace of Urantia will be promoted far more by international trade organizations than by all the sentimental sophistry of visionary peace planning. Trade r...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator


                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    92:5.16 The future of Urantia will doubtless be characterized by the appearance of...ound today. It will melt and go away. This month contains a holiday. Thanksgiving colors we’ll display....

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      146:2.15 Jesus warned his followers against thinking that their prayers would be rendered more so little of the spirit of thanksgiving was to be found in the prayers and worship of his followers. He q...ding to the will of God.” Thanksgiving Another day where 60’s rule....

                      • Kauta Benns Kelith

                        Congratulations, for being the greatest Michael Friends, family, SACRED domain / Realm 2023 - 2024. The light is on shining forth to worthy sons & daught...