Results for "Christ"

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    • Redeemer's Agape Dominion Ssemwombwe Elisha

      ...o the manner and the extent to which it exhibits its own inherent and divine excellence. 99:5.11 What a mistake for Christians to make when, in presenting Christ as the supreme ideal of spiri...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        ...obably get my drift, If through my words you truly sift. The way ahead where we survive, Is found inside where God resides. The God inside Christ did reveal. Commune inside w...

        • senyonjo michael

          2 PETER 3;18, SAYS;Grow in grace,and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.To Him be glory both now and for ever Amen.

          • Nuwagaba Emmanuel

            ...e and subject all thinking to Christ Jesus. Here are the apostle’s...hought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). The p...of Allah and await freedom in Christ? We must take captive every t...captive and made obedient to Christ. Those who know the truth mus...

            • Tayebwa  Allan

              Hello to you All my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ Micheal

              • Arigonza fred

                Hello brothers and sisters in Christ

                • Dr. Roger W. Paul

                  We are starting a new study at the beginning of the life of Christ this Sunday morning 9 am Eastern time US, you can also follow over a thousand videos on Vimeo, Youtube, and Facebook...

                  • Arigonza fred

                    Hello brothers and sisters in Christ. Praise him

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      ...PS AFRICA • Siloam Altar Revival Ministries International • The Love of Christ To Humanity's Kingdom. • Trut...ces and Study Material Groups • Ambassadors of the Father - Apostles of Christ serving today's generation •...

                      • PREACH Uganda Henry Wakabinga

                        May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, Romans 15:5 NIV