Results for "God's Cricket Choir"

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    • Gumisiriza Julius

      Welcome to Spiritual Family Network! Ambassadors | Apostles | Messengers | Evangelist | and Disciples serving the Divine Plan for this day and generation Then Jesus...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        These tertiary seconaphim are the timesavers, space abridgers, error detectors, faithful teachers, and everlasting guideposts – living signs of divine surety – in merc...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          With God all things are possible

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            It is literally true, whosoever has seen a Paradise Son has seen the Eternal Son of God

            • Tumwijukye simon

              140:1.3 “The power of this kingdom shall consist, not in the strength of armies nor in the might of riches, but rather in the glory of the divine spirit that shall com...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                To the earnest leader of the Mithraic cult he said: “You do well to seek for a religion of eternal salvation, but you err to go in quest of such a glorious truth among...

                • Ndyamuhaki Nelson

                  193:0.3 (2052.3) “And now you should give ear to my words lest you again make the mistake of hearing my teaching with the mind while in your hearts you fail to compreh...

                  • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                    To my friend who asked me how I understand the characteristics of the apostles as portrayed in the UB. The characteristics of Apostle Andrew include ¹: - *Spirit...

                    • Tumwebaze Felix

                      Jesus loves mankind with a dual affection. As the Son of God he loves us with a fatherly love—he is our Creator, our universe Father. As the Son of Man, Jesus loves us as a brother—he was truly a man among men. [Paper 140:5.2, page 1573.4]. One Love Always Family Greetings @Everyone

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        `Walk humbly with God,'