Results for "Urantia Uganda AFRICA Report 2020-August"

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    • Strokes of Hope

      I am building a home & school in Lagos Africa for underprivileged children, I firmly believe that children everywhere have a right to a good education and home. If you would...

      • Evangelist  George  Kateu

        As Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda and the staff,we want to wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year. Remember always to visit our site for more information.Thanks God bless you

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Philly Mugweri Writes The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the WILL to try and the BELIEF that it's actually POSSIBLE. I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2020 Christ Jesus is born

          • Evangelist  George  Kateu

            Happy New year to all our friends and family thanks for the love . Always pray because good comes from God. Thanks management and staff Garden of Hope children's Ministry Uganda. Godspeed.

            • Ssengendo Yasin Siginalamina

              Hello brothers and sisters.Thank you very much for standing with us in all ways a...and costs of farming ? Answer- In Uganda...farming is one of the income to people of Uganda...sustainable home in food and vegetables .in Uganda we h...

              • Ssengendo Yasin Siginalamina

                PERSONAL PROFILE ABOUT “SSENGENDO YASIN SIGINALAMINAT” PERSONAL PARTICULARS I Ssengendo Yasin Siginalaminat, am a Ugandan by nationality, aged 26 years, male, a muganda...out my life. I am currently living in Jinja Uganda. ED...

                • Marissa Bodden

                  An artist rendition of the Master Universe described in the Urantia Book. The Isle of Paradise is the bright light at the center, immediately orbited by the 7 Spheres of the Universal F...

                  • Mugabane isaac

                    Life Care ministries is a community based organization and non prof...osed and it's good for our health but the problem is most of Uganda...about/life-care-ministries-emergency-lockdown-campaign-jinja-uganda

                    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen


                      • Kagoye Ivan (Bolm)

                        Praise the Lord brethren. How are you doing in this lockdown. We as bridge of life ministry jinja Uganda do pray for you all. May the might God intervene the situation. Stay safe and stay home . We need you all when you are alive.