Results for "Building a Family"

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    • Atwijukye Graham

      Hello, am very glad to join this family

      • Gracious International Ministry G.I.M

        Today on 4/6/2021 Friday by 03:20pm as Gracious International Ministry G.I.M we have never stopped thanking the problems;1=Lack of enough land for our project, 2= Lack of enough money for buildi...

        • Godwin Nasser

          Create certainty for life and security of my family by donating what you can to help us repair our house to provide security and certainty for life

          • Godwin Nasser

            ...ideas to do!We still need the following building materials Iron sheets, Cement...this campaign it will help much towards building a better house for the Urantia family of the revelation and to thing towards the life of blessing a family of the Urantia revelation and...

            • Godwin Nasser

              Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 4 percent of the goal needed 600CAD and...t help in this financially you can share my campaign.

              • Godwin Nasser

                Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 38 percent of...ors as they love themselves. Nasser a Urantia book reader. Social Networking For The...

                • Godwin Nasser

                  Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 38 percent of...ors as they love themselves. Nasser a Urantia book reader. Social Networking For The...

                  • Godwin Nasser

                    Dear brothers,sisters and family again am reaching out to you for help and support to to complete the the...unds and those who helped by sharing,may God bless you.

                    • Godwin Nasser

                      Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 45 percent of...s as they love themselves. Nasser a Urantia book reader. Social Networking For Th...

                      • Godwin Nasser

                        Hello brothers, sisters and family am so happy that we have raised 45 percent of the goal needed 600CAD an...o are loving there neighbors as they love themselves.