Results for "Adam & Eve"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      48:6.5&6 On the mansion worlds the seraphic evangels will help you to choose wisely among the optional routes to Edentia, Salvington, Uversa, and Havona. If there are...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        116:4.10 When the bestowal Sons reveal new ways for man to find God, they are not the presence of the Supreme to the person of the Paradise Father. Pathways&Byways Rain to start this bra...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          70:3.4&5 The peace of Urantia will be promoted far more by international trade organizations than by all the sentimental sophistry of visionary peace planning. Trade...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator


            • Kauta Benns Kelith

              Congratulations, for being the greatest Michael Friends, family, SACRED domain / Realm 2023 - 2024. The light is on shining forth to worthy sons & daughters, if you had not kno...

              • Kauta Benns Kelith

                MiRRORS the Revelation spotlights marking the reigns of Michael God, No doubts nor...h book in hands of Michael Daniel 10:13-14,21. Sealed? Here its loosed now read & share out just as we are doin...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  69:5.13 Accumulations of wealth early became the badge of social distinction. Individuals in certain tribes would accumulate property for years just to create an impre...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Knowing God

                    • Gumisiriza Julius

                      Great Adventures in Uganda's Fifth Epochal Revelation...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        76:5.6 The supermaterial government of Urantia, under the direction of the Melchizedek...rough the times of Van and Amadon to the arrival of Adam and Eve, physical representat...ment had been stationed on the planet. But with the Adami...