Results for "Jesus You are the Way to the Father"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Universe Frames for thought Conceptual frames of the universe are only, even Deity, are only relatively true. God is much, much more than a Father, but the Father is man’s highest concept of G...

      • Soren K Vestergaard

        Urantia Sharing Newsletter sent to 154 persons, saying: "Urantia Sharing Resumes It...ughtful reflection, Urantia Sharing is delighted to announce our return to the Father's work. And now, we humbly se...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Said Jesus, and it is literally true

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            How did Jesus act? There was so little of the professional, the well-planned, or the premeditated in the Master's earthly ministry. He dispensed health and scattered happiness naturally and gracefully as he journeyed through life. It was literally true, "He went about doing good." 171:7.9

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Jesus attitude towards prayer

              • Tumwijukye simon

                101:7.2 A philosophy of religion evolves out of a basic growth of ideas plus experim...timeliness of what’s depicted Holds our interests, we’re addicted. Father, thank You, tech is great....

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Faith "…faith will expand the mind, ennoble the soul, reinforce the personality, augment the happiness, deepen the spirit perception, and enhance the power to love and be loved." Jesus, 159:3.12

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Lighten Your Burdens "Lighten your burdens of soul by speedily acquiring a long-distance view of your destiny, a universe expansion of your career." Jesus,156:5.8

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      121:7.2 The teachings and practices of Jesus regarding tolerance and kindness ran...n out. Take your time and stay about The Father’s Business on your out when this you do. Thank You, Father, for the day. I’ll do my b...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        5:1.6 If mortal man is wholeheartedly spiritually motivated, unreservedly consecrated to the doing of the Father’s will, then, since he is so...with God, colors all the grays. Thank You, Father, I am on board. The TB&...