Results for "Urantia Study Group Leaders"

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    • Susan M Sesay

      Now this is definitely what I call Female Empowerment At Its Best! So inspiring to s...ave no parents empower one another towards Greatness. Let's support our future leaders of Sierra Leone! With great s...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Socialization of Religion There is a real purpose in the socialization of religion. It is the purpose of group r...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Socialization of Religion There is a real purpose in the socialization of religion. It is the purpose of group r...

          • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

            FER ASCENDERS BOOK FELLOWSHEP COMMUNITY KALIRO. Fear, pride and se...bove personality does a lot of evil on the face of the earth/ Urant...from you. Be the beginning of change, whoever is holding the Urantia...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Hi Angello a warm welcome to you. You will find much of interest here on this Network d...s day and generation. I have put a link to the many Groups on our Network for your engineer. You are welcome to open your own Group o...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Way to go Lindianna! (Re: (joining the Group Urantia Book for Dummies) We need to give out the new revelations as they pass through our own understanding and wisdom experience....

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Socialization of Religion There is a real purpose in the socialization of religion. It is the purpose of group r...

                  • Marissa Bodden

                    An artist rendition of the Master Universe described in the Urantia Book. The Isle of Paradise is the bright light at the center, immediately orbited by the 7 Spheres of the Universal...

                    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen


                      • Tom

                        I discovered this recently when doing research on our current COVID...another verification that the Urantia Book Revelation is true. 65...ification of the truth of the Urantia Book: "Exosomes were blood cell) by Stahl and group in 1983 and Johnstone and group i...