Results for "Pato Banton Words of Christ"

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    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

      Don't let worry steal your joy! Do not be anxious about anything, but in every s..., which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7...

      • Godwin Nasser

        Am feeling blessed always when I I am hopeless and I read the revelation of Jesus Christ

        • Mugabane isaac

          Hello, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, it has been awhile without posting to our site, but thanks we back, And more thanks to our administrator brother Paul

          • Mudumba Joel

            Hello brothers and sisters I great you all in the night name of our lord jesus christ... I want to inform you all t...

            • Olupot Joseph

              Praise the Lord brethren ,I'm Olupot joseph the executive director of the of holy Sa...cial development. Our mission is to bring love of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to the orphans and needy chil...

              • Yourantiaman

                Don't ask me for money -Don't befriend me with nothing, no words or reason - Don't befriend me just because I am familiar with The Urantia Book - Don't befriend me without any interest.

                • Faith Anthony

                  ...God, right now, through Jesus Christ… Principle 1: God loves you...eternal life.” 1 God’s Plan [Christ speaking] “I came that they m...this gulf… Principle 3: Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for o...ld boast.” 9 When We Receive Christ, We Experience a New Birth W...

                  • Godwin Nasser

                    At the moment if you are able kindly help again for this month with the resurrection of jesus christ.

                    • Mbabazi Kevin

                      Hello dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I send greetings from our lovely orphanage ( happy hours ministry uganda orphanage) . As an orphanage, we are looking for supportive hands and...

                      • Gumisiriza Julius

                        Dear Friends in Christ, I greet you in the name of Almighty God, Praise God. I kindly request for your help, assistance, sponsorship, donation and support towards my educat...