Results for "TED"

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    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

      ...nd Andrew were the committee designated by Jesus to pass upon applica...East, as far as India, were represented among the students in this ne...the same truth, each apostle presented his own personal interpretati...s. Next to Peter, James Zebedee exerted the greatest personal influen...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        ...l man fuses with an actual fragment of the existential Cause of the total cosmos, no limit can ever be placed upon the destiny of such an unprecedented and unimaginable partnership....

        • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

          Mission: Having The New Revelations Integrated In children Schools Introducing to young children to the life and Teaching of Jesus. By sister Miria Nakatabazi The Early child hood...

          • Magara Benjamin

            ...d the whole world at large. In these unprecedented times, our fellowship family...building. Our primary avenue for staying connected and fostering spiritual nouri...ion of having $6 as data expenses for the estimated time. This has left us with l...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Social Harmony A social group of human beings in co-ordinated working harmony stands for a force far greater than the simple sum of its parts. 133:5.6

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                ...Source and Center was first promulgated on Urantia by the one hundred...years until it was suddenly terminated by the planetary secession an...The disruption of the first Eden halted the course of the Adamic reve...s of Nazareth. Christ Michael presented for the fourth time to Uranti...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  If the Jesus of Galilee is reinstated in the minds and souls of mortal men as the ideal of personal religious living? Indeed, the social readjustments, the economic transformations,...

                  • Ainamani John

                    This new generation is deep, even with the devices they are addicted to from early childhood. They are socially conscious, environmentally aware, and they do not tolerate intoleranc...

                    • Ainamani John

                      ...resence of the Universal Father. ~5:1.8~ The teachings of Jesus constituted the first Urantian religion w...and the positive assurance of personal survival. The faith of Jesus pointed the way to finality of human...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        How did Jesus act? There was so little of the professional, the well-planned, or the premeditated in the Master's earthly ministry. He dispensed health and scattered happiness naturally and gracefully as he journeyed through life. It was literally true, "He went about doing good." 171:7.9