Results for "Grace Chosen Children Ministry Uganda"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      113:5.4 In the life of the flesh the intelligence of angels is not di...hen act to make the best possible use of the course you have chosen....Nothing like the air refreshed. The falling rain is by Your grace....

      • Tumwijukye simon

        51:5.5&6 The violet race is a monogamous people, and every evolutionary man or woman uniting with the Ad...daughters pledges not to take other mates and to instruct his or her children in single-matedness. The childr...

        • Gumisiriza Julius

          The contact of the mortal mind with its indwelling Adjuster, while often favored by devoted meditation, is more frequently facilitated by wholehearted and loving service in unselfish ministry to one’s fellow creatures.” 91:7.1 (1000.2)

          • senyonjo michael

            2 PETER 3;18, SAYS;Grow in grace,and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.To Him be glory both now and for ever Amen.

            • Kauta Benns Kelith

              well. a an on set Testimony, of my child 14 yrs. age demons attacked us on the 20th day j...over a child that they were sent to kill me and my children...ntered the URANTIA BOOK IN MY HOME Here in eastern uganda mt Elgon sides all the spirit...

              • Nuwagaba Emmanuel

                Through Christ Jesus take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5)!!! In speaking of our sp...Timothy 2:15), we take every thought captive, pull down the strongholds, and, by the grace...

                • Gumisiriza Julius

                  Dear friends, and we'll wishers Am fundraising on behalf of the 16 children who will need scholastic materials eg books pe...a uniform. I have been providing like 3 books ,pens and pencils . These are childr...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    130:4.4 A one-eyed person can never hope to visualize depth of perspective. Neither can single...longed with cosmic pills. Sooner or later, we all face An end to how we use Your grace....

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      It's a Revelation For The Now Generation!!! Jesus Comforts His Disciples John 14: Verses 1-5...:1.4 181:1.4 (1954.1) “The Father sent me into this world, but only a few of you have chosen...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        71:4.17 Idealism can never survive on an evolving planet if the idealists in each generation most anything And be prepared for what life brings. A day to increase beauty’s grace....