Results for "Preservation of the Nativity World of a Master Creator Son"

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    • Gumisiriza Julius

      The Spiritual Direction. “Only that mind which freely submits itself to the spirit direction can hope to survive the mortal time-space existence as an immortal child of the eternal spirit world.” 42:12.15 (484.3) A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

      • Tumwijukye simon

        htt81:3.7 The traveling trader and the roving explorer did more to advance historic civiliza...eveloping arts and sciences of industry. Advance the how we do use And make the choice to not abuse This world o...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          76:5.6 The supermaterial government of Urantia, under the direction of the Melchizedeks, con...oically for the salvage of the individual; but no comprehensive plan for far-reaching world w...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            167:2.2 “A certain ruler gave a great supper, and having bidden many gu...ent back and reported this to their master. When the master of the house heard this, he w...per.’ And the servants did as their master commanded, and the house was...s. How we do things in this world...

            • Gumisiriza Julius

              “The Master by precept and example taught the value of worshiping the Creator in the midst of the natural surroundings of creation.” 167:6.5 (1839.1)

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Worship God in the tabernacles of nature

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  SIMON ZELOTES ASKED QUESTION JESUS HOW TO PERSUADE PEOPLE FOR THEIR SALVATION When Simon Zelotes and Jesus were alone, Simon asked the Master:...

                  • Gumisiriza Julius

                    Jesus' Sympathetic Regard The disciples early learned that the Master had a profound respect and sympathetic regard for every human being he met, and they were tremendously impressed b...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      195:5.12 (2076.3) As you view the world, remember that the black patches of evil which you see are shown against a white background of ultimate good. You do not view merely white patches of good which show up miserably against a black background of evil.

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        109:5.4 The great problem of life is the adjustment of the ancestral tendencies of livi...rse and superuniverse careers no man can serve two masters, in the life you nowlive on Urantia every man must perforce serve two masters...