Results for "Inspired by a Divine Revelation of Truth"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      All in All It is literally true: "In all your afflictions he is afflicted." "In all your triumphs he triumphs in and with you." His prepersonal divine spirit is a real part of you. 1:5.16

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        With God all things are possible Within the bounds of that which is consistent with the divine nature, it is literally true that "with God all things are possible." 3:2.2

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The Divinely Real Truth is beautiful because it is both replete and symmetrical. When man searches for truth, he pursues the divinely real. 2:7.4

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Choosing the Divine Will If any man chooses to do the divine will, he shall know the way of truth. It is literally true, "Human things must be known in order to be loved, but divine things must be loved in order to be known." 102:1.1

            • raglanlad

              Celebrating Sustainability of the Human Spirit: I’ve had a long life desire to share inspiratio...n/creativity enrich humanity? - how do you bring it forth? - how does it feel to be inspi...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                4./ The Spiritual World In the physical universe we may see the divine beauty, in the intellectual world we may discern eternal truth, but the goodness of God is found only in the spiritual world of personal religious experience. 2:6.1

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  That which the enlightened and reflective human imagination of spiritual teaching and leading wh...becomes measurably creative in accordance with the degree of mortal dedication to the divin...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Hugh check our Monica's new group

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Hello brother Derrick, I am just creating a Facebook Revelation Group Link Page and have included Your Encourage Youth Ministry Group on the Presentation page

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        “Of God, the most inescapable of all presences, the most real of all facts, the most living of all truths, the most loving of all friends, and the most divine of all values, we have the right to be the most certain of all universe experiences.” (102:7.10)