Results for "Children's Charity Support Services"

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    • Gumisiriza Julius

      There are many compelling teachings in The Urantia Book that warrant a closer look. Our g...d treasurer of Urantia Foundation since February of 1998. He is the co-founder of the Children...

      • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

        As the board committee, The way and the truth foundation ibanda and in partnership with other groups We have de...tion who are capable to transform the world_ So we are appealing for your support...

        • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

          For this term; there is a dear need for the following: 1. Chalk 2. Manila papers 3. Pens 4. Files. 5. Learner exer...the orphanage school project reopening. Please if you consider helping and supporti...

          • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

            Some of the guardians of our children and the community members attending our first SCHOOL AGM December, 2022. We exist and always moving a step at a time. We call upon everyone to consider supporting this school. Peace and love

            • Master Ken

              91:0.1 (994.1) PRAYER, as an agency of religion, evolved from previous nonreligious monologue and dialogue expressi...out loud by the magic server. Next, these believers in luck would enlist the support...

              • Ahimbisibwe Lazarus

                Hello my dear brothers and sisters, his is your life and your families. I thank you all in God of Universe father t...of Godof Universe father to help me and my family we need your help and your support....

                • Naturinda

                  I am requesting for your thriving support towards my education together with my siblings

                  • Faith Anthony

                    Human beings are the lowest level of freewill creatures in the universe. We are all born as children of the Paradise Father. Yet, to be resurrected, we must exercise fai...

                    • Ahimbisibwe Lazarus

                      SpiritualFamily.Net Campaigns Ahimbisibwe Lazarus Ahimbisibwe Lazarus Campaign...go in hospital for treatment but failed because of lack of money for hospital services but I was having to much pain...

                      • Kisa Esau

                        The population of homeless kids, orphans in Uganda increases everyday due to the lack of jobs. The number of school dropouts is also increasing , under ages to conceive...