Results for "Children%27s Charity Support Services"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      101:.2 Faith-insight, or spiritual intuition, is the endowment of the cosmic mind in association with the Thought Adjuster, which is the Father’s gift to man. Spiritual...

      • Ngambeki Barnabas

        "The Great mother holds all children in her hear". As God is your divine Father so is the supreme your divine mother your lives as universe creatures. Barnabas from Western Uganda The Urantia Revelation.

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          This Group God Discovered provides many inspirational Teaching materials free to download and use for those enterin...visit with you and assist you in entering into KINGDOM PLAY where the angels support...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            195:3.9 Even a good religion could not save a great empire from the sure results of lack ofindividual Justice on a global scale Must be expected through travail. We must support...

            • Ndyamuhaki Nelson

              " Those who invent a religion without God are like those who would gather fruit without trees, have children without cannot have effects without causes;only...

              • Niringiye Nicholas

                Hello brothers and sisters I first take the opportunity to greet you all in the name of almighty God,, I'm Niringiye Nicholas from Uganda we were born seven children in...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Any who are interested in establishing new and better educational systems for our children may be interested in this video. The Underground History Of American Education...

                  • Magara Benjamin


                    • Mubangizi Osbert

                      Hello urantians I kindly request you to support me in my education journey Thank you

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Truth and Life Services Foundation Ibanda Uganda - Committee Johnprosper Kyomujuni, Akanyijuka Lucky, Godwin Nasasira, Nahurira Ivan, Owen Atwebembire, Kato pare is here